For me, it’s deeper than just braiding hair.
I grew up watching my mother braiding hair for a living. She hated the idea of any of her children getting into the business. Traditionally then and even still now, hairdressing is considered a job for the underclass in many societies.
This stigma never affected me.
I cannot pinpoint the moment I knew this was my passion, but something drove me to learn, perfect and create new ideas at a very young age. I loved creating hairstyles so much — it became my art.
I went to school and got a degree in International Business Administration. I chose this course specifically because I believe that with the right knowledge, what started as my mum’s hobby-turned-job, has the ability to grow into something bigger than my imagination.
Working in my family’s salon has brought some of the most interesting people to our doorstep. I love listening to and connecting with people, hearing their stories while pouring into them love and light. Other times, I’ll be the only one sharing advice and positive vibes, but sometimes, especially when I don’t realize that I need it, the clients become counselors and supporters. These connections make me feel like I’ve known some of these ladies forever.